$300 HME DX300 Clear Comm System Picture of AV for You clear comm system available to rent HME DX300 communication system. Includes 4 wireless belt packs with headsets, base station with 2 wired headsets, battery charging station, and antennae. Mixer RentaljoshJanuary 1, 2018AV for Youclear comm system, HME DX300, communication system, comm system rental, comm system rental near me, comm system rental Minneapolis, comm system rental Mpls, comm system rental for event, comm system rental for event near me, comm system rental for event Minneapolis, comm system rental for event Mpls, rent comm system, rent comm system near me, rent comm system Minneapolis, rent comm system Mpls, rent comm system for event, rent comm system for event near me, rent comm system for event Minneapolis, rent comm system for event Mpls, rent, rental Facebook0 Twitter LinkedIn0 Reddit Tumblr Pinterest0 0 Likes